Monday, April 16, 2007

Progress report-week beginning 19th March

We spent most of the time doing the interview this week as we were trying to place as many cutaways as possible so that it doesn't seem too long and keeps the audience interested. Me and Rohini also made a list of all the tips that need to be typed up but typing them up was getting reeeaaally annoying because me. Rohini and Kunal spent sooo much time typing them up but after rendering, they went really ugly so we had to keep starting again!

We also managed to sit together and finish the vox pops and now they are much shorter and effective. We made the sound delay at the end so it flows with the next section and now it looks wicked!

This Sunday, me and Rohini filmed the msn conversation and it took much longer than it should. We also experimented how we should do the real story bit and got a few ideas but it resulted in a bit of an accident…
For next week we hope to get the interview finished and start editing the msn bit.



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