Monday, March 26, 2007

Progress Report (7) - Rohini

Week beginning 13th march:

This week our main focus was the CEOP interview. As we have mentioned before... we wanted the main bits of advice that our expert gives to appear on screen in a typing effect. Unlike on publisher you cant just insert a typing effect. After spending a longgg time experimenting with the software... we worked out that we would have to insert each letter as a title in order for it to work. so we would type 't' ... then..... 'th'.... then ..... 'the'.... . As you can see this took a veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy longgg time. we also encountered lots of problems after having typed out a few tips... something went wrong with the font after we rendered the files... so we were forced to start again :|

Kunal and i begun the typing effect and managed to download a typing sound effect. later sonia and i positioned the letters in the Wright place and made the music correspond to it ... which proved to b very tricky and fiddly but was worth it in the end.

i spent a lottt of time working on the interview this week. i also added cutaways in the interview in order to make it more appealing to the audience.

For next week, we plan to get the interview finished and start editing the construction scene.

- Rohini


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