Sunday, March 11, 2007

Progress Report 6 --> Kunal

Week beginning 5th March

This group our whole group worked togethter and managed to finish off the opening montange sequence. we also began splitting up the vox pops where we would split the answers up seperately, just need to sort out the timing a little, which is usually my job :D

On saturday, me rohini and sonia went to ealing to do some more filming, the day started off ok, but then whilst trying to get permission for filming, we met a lady who is in charge of the shopping mall and she told us to call her on tuesday to gain permission, so i took her number down and we will call her in order to complete the filming, this made our day better as this was very crucial for our doc.

We managed to get some really good shots of some internet cafes from the inside and outside, and I as in MEE won the gooody bagg from people from kiss 100 but rohini and sonia stole all the gooodies and left me with jus the bag loll. but i got to eat some nice fooood and the day turned out to be pretty usefull.

Next week we plan to finish sorting out the vox pops and get started on the CEOP interview which me and rohini kinda started on friday p8.

Kunal (Winner of the goody bag!!)


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