Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Progress Report for the week beginning 26th Feb

On wednesday when we started editing, we all began capturing the footage on to the computer then when me and Ro went to the magazine meeting, Kunal continued to capture the footage. On Thursday, Rohini finished the capturing in her frees and began editing afterschool. Then on Friday, me and Rohini did some more editing during p2 and break whare we split the internet scenes for our opening montage into seperate shots. On Monday, I continued with it in the morning and during period 1 and was later joined by Rohini. We both then stayed till the end of period 3 and began to put the internet shots corresponding to the music by pacing them up. So... so far we have done most of our opening montage (-which is the hardest bit) and it is looking pretty good!. By next week, we plan to get the montage finished and getting started on the rest of the footage.



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