Sunday, February 25, 2007

Kunal Progress Report 4

Progress report 4

During the holiday, our whole group went on a MISSION to Pimlico and we went to film our interview with an expert who was a representative from CEOP. The interview was perfect, we received all of the information which we wanted and we managed to get an excellent background in the shot with different images and posters which are 100% relevant to our topic which makes it even better!!

We managed to get some stills of their offices and their working environment, as well as their facilities and equipment which CEOP use catch paedophiles by accessing their computers and viewing images of victims etc. we also managed to get shots of their reception desks and we saw their ‘2 toned tiles’ which were pretty impressive. It was really interesting and the people there were very helpful and kind and welcomed us back with more students as well!!

On our way home we stopped at different stops and looked around for internet cafes and filmed from outside and we recorded people walking in and out and walking passed them including a few girls from Greenford….



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