Saturday, March 17, 2007

Progress Report (week beginning 12th march)

This week, we started editing the CEOP interview and so far it is looking pretty good. When our expert is giving advice, we wanted the advice to appear in a typing effect so after a lot of thinking, the only way we found we could do this was by typing each letter out separately and it is soooo LOOONG! Rohini and Kunal started this and it was continued by me and Kunal on Thursday and then by me after school. Rohini and Kunal also managed to download a typing sound from the net. When me and ro made it correspond to the words on the screen, we finally got the look we wanted and it now looks good. After spending aaaages typing up two of the tips, we decided to change the font which means that we have to do it all over again! GREAT! Rohini also put in the bits that come on the screen during the interview and we both carried on with this Friday after school. Soooo…so far our interview is nearly done.

For next week, we plan to get the interview finished and start editing the construction scene.



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