Sunday, February 04, 2007

Progress Report - Rohini

What we have achieved so far..

On our first day of filming (26th Jan), Sonia and I started to film the opening montage for production. We filmed various relevant computer shots such as sites like ‘My Space’, ‘Youtube’ and ‘Hi’5. Admittedly, we filmed far more than we needed but at least that gives us enough footage to work with and edit later. When we do get to the editing stage our montage sequence will look great… really it will. Right now.. its just page after page of internet pages… not too impressive in its raw state.

We had also planned to research into and arrange an interview with an expert but that didn’t go to plan as we changed our mind and decided to collect more footage before we went ahead with anything. HOWEVER, on Wednesday we thought we’d try our chances and ask for some information at the social services building next door to school. No luck. The lady at the desk didn’t have any information for us and was really unhelpful to be honest. Later on during the day, Sonia and I went to see Shirley in the pastoral block and she was much much muchhh more helpful. We asked her for some information and she recommended that we talk to the schools police man who had experience with related issues and cases. We left a message and hope to hear from him ASAP!

The next shooting that we did was on the 31st of Jan and this time the whole group was present. We had planned to shoot our vox pops. As all students were in lessons we were forced to focus open adults. So we ventured down the dangerous streets of Southall. (…. Ok we just went down the road). In all, we interviewed about 6 adults. I came up with the idea to try and get people from the local community doing everyday activities…. So we filmed a guy who works at the Esso on his break, a guy putting petrol in his car and so on. We also went to Harry’s fish and chip shop which got us some good footage.

I was a little disappointed with what we got because the angles didn’t come out quite right. I suppose its all about trial and error so now we know what to do better next time. I’m also quite aware that we only have two more weeks left and so far have not got a sufficient amount done. Although, now that we are more sure of what is going on I’m sure we’ll be on track.

What we need to do next week:

- Chase up Shirley regarding interview

- Film / re film some vox pops

- Ealing scene!



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